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vineri, 6 martie 2015
Henry V
It is widely agreed that Henry V was written in 1599. Henry V has been praised by many scholars as a vigorous portrayal of one of England's most popular national heroes.
Henry V is one of Shakespeare's so-called history plays. The play is full of noble speeches, heroic battles valiant English under-dogs who fight their way to victory against all odds. Additionally, King Henry seems to be a perfect leader-brave, modest and fincely focused, but with a sense of humor to match. Henry V is the most famous and influential of Shakespeare's history plays.
The play is set in England in the early fifteenth century. The political situation in England was tense: King Henry IV has died and his son, the young King Henry V, has just assured the throne. After claiming certain parts of France, he receive an insulting message as a respons to these claims and he decided to invade France. The night before the battle, King Henry disguises himself as a common soldier and talks to many of the soldiers in his camp. The English win the battle and finally are worked out peace negotiations. Henry will marry Catherine, the daughter of the French king and the marriage will unite the two kingdoms.
The themes presented are the ruthlessness of the Good king, the diversity of the english; motifs: male interaction, war imagery,; symbols: the tun of tennis balls
joi, 12 februarie 2015
Scolile sau modelele de interpretare a textului
Scolile teoretice se pot incadra in urmatoarele categorii:
- text -> filologia, retorica, formalism si structuralism, noua critica, semiotica si de constructie
- context -> istoria literara, teoria lit. marxista, teoria lit. feminista, noul istoricism si studiile culturale
- bautor -> critica biografica, critica psiho analitica, fenomenologia
- cititor -> teoria receptarii, istoria receptarii, critica reactiei cititorului
Abordarea orientata spre text e preocupata de materialitatea textului
Abordarile contextuale incearca sa plaseze textele literare pe fundalul istoric, social sau politic
Scolile teoretice orientate spre autor pun accentul pe autor
Abordarile orientate spre cititor se concentreaza asupra receptarii oprerei literare de catre public
Abordarile centrate pe text - pun accentul pe aspectele textuale interne ale operei litarare
- se analizeaza trasaturile formale sau structurale ale textului
- filologia traditionala de ex, studiaza elementele concrete ale limbii
a) in critica lit., termenul de filologie denota abordari bazate pe probleme de scriere si reconstituire a textelor
b) retorica si stilistica - se concentreaza asupra aspectelor formale si asupra stilului
c) formalism si structuralism - acesti termeni definesc scolile din prima jumatate a sec XX al caror scop este explicarea modelelor formale si structurale ale textelor lit.
Semiotica si deconstructie sunt tendinte din teoria lit., centrata pe text in anii 1870-1880, care considera textul drept un sistem de semne. La baza acestor idei teoretice se afla modelul lingvistic al lui Ferdinand de Saussure, lingvist elvetian, care porneste de la ipoteza ca limbajul functioneaza prin reprezentare.
Abordarile centrate pe context - reprezinta un grup de scoli si metodologii care nu considera textele literare ca opere independente de sine statatoare, incercand sa le analizeze dintr-un context mai amplu, care poate fi
- fundalul istoric, social, politic
- genul literar
- nationalitatea
- genul autorului
Cadrul teoretic oferit de critica marxista a fost adoptat de scoli mai recente care se axeaza pe grupuri marginalizate: critica feminista, afro-americana, homosexuala si lesbiana, studii lit. coloniale.
Noul istorism:
- s-a dezvoltat in SUA in anii 1980
- ist. nu e vazuta ca izolata de textul lit. ca un context ist. devenind un fenomen textual
- legate de noul istorism, dar independent de acesta sunt studiile culturale, care au devenit in anii 90 una din cele mai importante abordari ale textului lit.
- studiile culturale au o abordare multi-laterala, incercand sa inteleaga pluralitatea culturii
Teoria lit. feminista:
- porneste de la ideea ca difderenta de gen e un aspect neglijat in critica lit. traditionala si sustine ca operele trebuie reexaminate si din perspectiva genului.
- la inceputul acestei miscari, la sfarsitul anilor 60 au fost aduse in atentie teme precum imaginea femeii in texte scrise de autori, primele incercari de critica feminista concentrandu-se asupra stereotipurilor si portretelor distorsionate ale femeilor in traditia lit. dominata de barbati
Teoriile centrate pe autor
- in sec XIX, inainte de cele mai importante teorii ale formalismului si structuralismului, critica biografica a evoluat si a devenit o miscare dominanta. Aceasta abordare stabileste o legatura directa intre textul lit. si biografia autorului, date, fapte si evenimente din viata unui autor sunt juxtapuse cu elemente din operele sale pt. a gasi aspecte ce leaga biografia autorului de text.
- faptul ca Mary Shelly a pierdut o sarcina in perioada in care a scris Frankenstein, poate fi legat direct de subiect
Exemplu de analiza: Ratiune si simtire de Jane Austen
Aceasta opera poate fi analizata din punct de vedere al abordarii feministe. Jane Austen foloseste in opera sa teoria feminista pentru a promova valorile egale dintre barbati si femei. De asemenea, ea scoate in evidenta partea puternica a femeii indiferent ce tip de discriminare intalneste. Protagonista lupta pentru a obtine dragostea unui persoane, care pt societate, este interzisa din cauza situatiei economice si sociale. Nereusind sa isi castige mult dorita dragoste devine celibatara, dar totusi are puterea de a merge mai departe. Femeile din lit. feminista sunt intotdeauna gata sa ia propriile decizii, sa-si exprime alegerea de a hotari singure si sunt pregatite sa faca fata consecintelor acestor alegeri, ale actiunilor lor si decizilor lor. Elinor Dashwood reprezinta simbolul simtirii , este inteligenta si prudenta, iubitoare si puternica. Comportamentul ei se bazeaza pe o judecata corecta si pe observarea atenta a circumstantelor. Ratiune si simtire este o lucrare subtila, iar trasaturile personajului reprezinta o caracteristica a abordarii feministe a literaturii.
Romeo and Juliet
The tragedy of Romeo and Juliet is now considered to be the greatest love story of all time. Romeo and Juliet was written early in the career of playwright William Shakespeare and is his most famous play. It opens with a large fight between the servant of the Capulets and the Montagues, two prestigious families in Verona, Italy. The two families have been enemies for as long as anyone can remember. Juliet's father is keen for Paris to marry his daughter and plans a party. Romeo decided to go uninvited being disguised by a mask. He falls in love with Juliet, but both quickly learn that they are enemies. Ignoring the danger, Romeo scales the Capulet's wall to be near Juliet and to declare his love. Juliet's father hurry up the wedding of Juliet with Paris but she doesn't agree and being adviced by Laurence take a potion simulating death. Unfortunately, the letter of Laurence, telling Romeo that Juliet isn't dead doesn't reach him. Romeo kills Paris and then he drinks the poison dying. After being awake and seeing that Romeo is dead, Juliet suiced herself.
Themes: the forcefulness of love, love as a cause of violence, the individual versus society, the inevitability of fate.
Motifs: light/ dark imagery, opposite points of view
Symbols: poison, queen mab, thumb-biting
Viewed from this fresh perspective, Shakespeare's tragic drama of the star-crossed young lovers is seen to be an extraordinary work.
joi, 5 februarie 2015
La peinture francaise
la matière (la gouache, la peinture à l'huile, etc.) ;
la pratique, consistant à appliquer une couleur sur une surface telle que le papier, la toile, le bois, le verre, le béton et bien d'autres subjectiles (supports). Dans un sens artistique, le terme « peinture » signifie l'association de cette pratique avec le dessin, c'est-à-dire qu'il intègre des considérations esthétiques.
La peinture est le moyen pour l'artiste peintre de représenter une expression personnelle sur des sujets aussi variés qu'il existe d'artistes. C'est donc une forme d'art.
La peinture peut être naturaliste et figurative, ou abstraite. Elle peut avoir un contenu narratif, descriptif, symbolique, spirituel, ou philosophique.
En peinture, comme dans d'autres formes artistiques, il existe des thèmes récurrents. Le traitement par les peintres de ces thèmes fut longtemps dépendant de la hiérarchie des genres imposée par l'Académie royale de peinture et de sculpture.
le portrait et l'autoportrait
la nature morte et les vanités
le nu
la peinture animalière
le paysage
les marines
la peinture d'histoire
la scène de genre
la peinture religieuse
la peinture mythologique ou peinture profane
Les premières manifestations de la peinture sur le territoire français sont données dans l'art préhistorique et à l'époque Romaine avec quelques peintures murales. Au Moyen Âge ce sont aussi quelques peintures murales celles qu'ils soulignent; à la Renaissance on suit des modèles italianisants. Ce sera au XIXe siècle, avec Nicolas Poussin et Lorrain, que la peinture baroque française atteint une dimension importante. Lexviiie siècle a apporté le Rococo et c'est le XIXe siècle, précisément, celui de la grande peinture française. Au XXe siècle s'imposent les manifestations de la modernité.
L'impressionnisme est un mouvement pictural français né de l'association de quelques artistes de la seconde moitié du XIX eme siècle. Fortement critiqué à ses débuts, ce mouvement se manifesta notamment de 1874 à 1866 par huit expositions publiques à Paris, et marqua la rupture de l'art moderne avec l'académisme.
L'impressionnisme est notamment caractérisé par une tendance à noter les impressions fugitives, la mobilité des phénomènes climatiques, plutôt que l'aspect stable et conceptuel des choses, et à les reporter directement sur la toile. L'impressionnisme eut une grande influence sur l'art de cette époque, la peinture bien sûr, mais aussi la littérature et la musique.
Connu comme l'un des « pères de l'impressionnisme », il a peint la vie rurale française, en particulier des paysages et des scènes représentant des paysans travaillant dans les champs, mais il est célèbre aussi pour ses scènes de Montmartre. À Paris, il eut entre autres pour élèves Paul Cézanne, Paul Gauguin, Jean Peské, Henri-Martin Lamotte.
Lettres persanes de Montesquieu
marți, 3 februarie 2015
Features pertaining to lyrical poetry and epic poetry
- unknown author
- Deor seems to be a minstrel who was fallen out of the favour and considering the pas misfortunes of others
- glimpses of reality
- first person narrative
- a plethora of adjectives resulting in metaphors that are meant to describe feelings
- no stanzas
- no rhyme
- no metrical system
- the presence of alliteration
- the theme of Deor's Lament is usually the transience and unreliability of the world
Epic poetry - Beowulf
- it is the only old english poem of heroic exploits
- the life described in Beowulf has its own nobility and splendour
- rhyme is not used, but each line is broken in the middle and the two halves are joined by allitertion
- 3rd person narative (omniscient narative)
- real features mixed up with fantastic features (Grendel)
Exam topics
1. How does John Donne, as a representative of the metaphysical poets, distinguish between physical and spiritual love?
Physical love is love that is primarily based upon the sensation or the presence of the beloved. Donne celebrates the physical side of love when he tries to convince his beloved to sleep with him. In the Valediction, Donnedescribes a spiritual love, "Inter- assured of the mind". It is based on higher and more refined feelings than sensation. Donne is critical of "dull sublunary" physical love, which could not survive in the absence of the beloved, and express a profound preference for spiritual love.
2. Present the two-periods in John Donne's life
During the course of John Donne's life he went through two life stages: the period where he was a wild, fun-loving man, and the second where he was a well-known, respected man of the church, making him quite the opposite of his former years.
3. What does the Restoration comedy reflect?
The Restoration comedy can be a window into a unique period of English history. The Restoration age was characterized by a sense of loss and cultural disillusion. Comedy of nanners is used as a synonym of Restoration comedy. Joseph Woodn contends that Restoration comedy "was derived from the union pf certain elements of the old comedy of Humours with certain elements in the romantic plays of the same period.
4. Jonson's comic characterization in Volpone. Demonstrate that Volpone is a comedy of humours. What does Ben Jonson understand through humour?
A comedy of humours refers to a type of drama that focused on characters, each character representing a type of personality. They represent a character type rather than a flesh-and-blood character whose mind we can get into when we read the play. In a comedy of humors, the characters are the most important focus, so Volpone fits this criterion. Ben Jonson had given a picture of the bottom of society, so that we may call his plays commedies of bad manners.
5. The literature of restoration period
Restauration literature is the english literature written during the historical period. Restoration literature includes Paradise lost and the Country wife. The largest and most important poetic form of the era was satire which is generally anonymous. Prose, in this period, is dominated by Christian religious writing, but it also saw the beginnings of the two genres that would dominate later periods: fiction and journalism.
6. Satire in Gulliver's Travels
Satire is a literary genre of greek origin and its purpose is often irony. In Gulliver's travels, satire is shown through narration, settings, character and plot in order to illustrate the weaknesses of human, and suggest ways of improvement. Swift uses utopia and dystopia as elements of settings and he uses a flat character, miser and tyrant type of character, moral touchstone and grotesque to illustrate the characterelement of his satirical novel. Swift uses the King of Lilliput as a flat character, the Farmer as the greedy and tyrant charactertype, the king of Laputa to illustrate the tyranny, Don Pedro as a moral touchstone. Furthermore, satire is also shown through the plot of journey and return.
7. The development of the novel
The novel is only one of many possible narrative forms. The term for the novel in most European languages is roman. The english name is derived from the italian novella meaning a little new thing. The novel is said to have emerged with the appearance of Daniel Defoe's Robinson Crusoe and Moll Flanders. These are some factors which aresaid to have influenced its development:
-parallel art forms: biography, diaries, and personal memoirs were very fashionable in the eighteenth century
-letter writing:was cultivated as an art
-travel literature
-the restoration comedies of manners
-the picaresque convention
-the mock romance of knight
-puritanism that had always encouraged a practical attitude to world affairs, a belief in the individual conscience, a spirit of self-enquiry, a love of truth
-the rise of middle class
8. John Milton as a puritan and humanist
John Milton was born in London. His father was a law writer who had achived some success by the time Milton was born. This prosperity afforded Milton an excellent education, first private tutoring, then a private school and finally Cambridge His father had left Roman Catholicism and Milton was raised protestant with a heavy tendency toward puritanism. Milton was a mixed product of his time. On the one hand, as a humanist, he fought for religious tolerance and believed that there was something inherently valuable in man. As a putitan, however he believed that the bible was the answer and the guide to all. Where the bible didn't afford an answer, he would turn to reason.
9. The metaphysical poets - were a succession of poets who wrote at the beginning of the seventeenth century. Their poetry was marked by such things as: intense feeling combined with ingenious thought; elaborate 'witty' images; an interest in mathematics, science and geography; an overriding interest in the soul; and direct, colloquial expression even in sonnets and lyrics.