miercuri, 20 august 2014

Ion Grecea - Talida

" Drama ce o relatez in acest roman-confesiune putea fi traita de catre oricare dintre noi. Sper, deci, ca cititorii sa-i acode Talidei circumstantele atenuante de rigoare. Si poate mai mult decat atat..." - Ion Grecea.
   Romanul este scris sub forma unui 'jurnal' : " O femeie a ucis! A ucis un barbat, caruia i-a fost candva draga,poate ca si ea l-a iubit, nu stiu, nu-mi pot da seama, acum toate gandurile imi sunt invalmasite si zbuciumate, negre si tulburi ca si noaptea ce abia a trecut biciuita de viscol, aici in haurile dintre munti. Aceasta femeie sînt eu."
 Acest roman ne prezinta copilaria trista al personajului principal Talida, o fetita care isi duce existenta intr-o familie saraca alaturi de alti frati. In ciuda situatiei materiale, reuseste in viata, termina liceul si devine ceea ce isi doreste: profesoara. Insa, in ceea ce priveste iubirea, conditia ei materiala reprezinta un impediment. Prima ei dragoste din liceu este una imposibila intrucat se indragosteste de Mircea, fiul unui avocat. Diferentele dintre clasele sociale reprezinta un impediment in implinirea iubirii.  Desi reuseste sa se intretina singura si ar putea avea intreaga lume la picioare, Talida comite o crima. O crima care ii aduce sfarsitul.

luni, 18 august 2014

Ioan Slavici - Moara cu noroc

        Nuvela psihologică.
  Nuvela este o specie a genului epic, în proză, cu o acțiune mai amplă decât a povestirii, cu acțiune complexă și personaje puternic indivizualizate. Nuvela psihologică se individualizează prin tipul de conflict, insistându-se asupra celui interior, pe schimbările caracteriale și comportamentale ale personajelor.
    I. Slavici face parte din cei patru mari clasici ai literaturii române. Este un prozator ardelean, precursor al lui L.Rebreanu; este un autor moralist, un fin psiholog și un creator de tipologii.
   Perspectiva narativă este obiectivă, narațiunea este la persoana a III - a, iar timpul este cronologic. Tema nuvelei poartă valori etice și psihologice, dorind să demonstreze că dorințele de parvenire duc la declinul moral și spiritual al individului. Opera este consistentă, organizată în 17 capitol, circulară, deoarece începe și se încheie prin intervenția bătrânei.
   Pentru a-și contura personajele, Slavici se folosește atât de caracterizarea directă cât și cea indirectă. Stilul este imprimat de oralitatea ardelenească, asemănător lui Creangă.
   Expozițiunea îl prezintă pe Ghiță alături de familia sa. Nemulțumit de statutul său de cizma, în imposibilitate de a asigura un trai decent familiei sale, el decide, împotriva sfatului soacrei sale ( care se va dovedi providențial ), să ia în arendă hanul Moara cu noroc. Hanul devine un simbol al îmbogățirii și va exercita influențe negative asupra lui Ghiță în același mod în care o va face Lică Sămădăul, devenind mediul propice pentru un împărțit al banilor.
    Intriga este reprezentată de apariția lui Lică, personaj negativ care va declsnșa o serie de evenimente, în urma cărora Ghiță se va degrada până la dezumanizare și va sfârși tragic. Conflictele nuveleri își au punctul de plecare din acest episod; se conturează atât cel interior, al conștiinței cârciumarului cât și cel exterior dintre Ghiță și Lică.
Setea de inavuțire își pune amprenta din ce in ce mai mult asupra lui Ghiță, care este văzutîntr-o continuă evoluție, îndepărtându-se de familie și luând parte la afacerile necurate ale Sămădăului care exercitã o dominație fascinantă asupra hangiului. Lică îl manipulează pe Ghiță în așa fel încât acesta este de accord ca Ana sa îl înșele. Când realizează gravitatea faptelor, merge la Pintea cu gândul de a-l demasca pe Lică, ceea ce și face. Totuși, cel care va cădea în propria cursa va fi Ghiță, care, atunci când se întoarce la han o omoarã pe Ana pentru fapta necugetată de a se fi aruncat în brațele Sămădăului, iar apoi este omorât de Răuț, omul Sămădăului. Lipsit de putință, în fuga de Pintea, Lică se sinucide izbindu-se cu capul de un copac. Acesta este punctul culminant al nuvelei, asistăm la pedeapsa dată de destin fiecăruia pe măsura faptelor.
   Pentru a dramatiza scena și a accentua ideea de final grandios, autorul se foloseste de metafora focului purificator care aprinde hanul, ștergând urmele fărădelegilor. Astfel, toate conflictele romanului se termină, se mistuie în foc, alaturi de protagoniști, lăsând loc cortinei, vocei naratorului care prezinta deznodământul cu valoare de sentință finalã, data prin batrana, care, contempland scena dezastrului afirma: " Se vede c-au lasat ferestrele deschise [...] Simteam eu ca nu are sa iasa bine, dar asa le-a fost dat. "
           " Omul sa fie multumit cu saracia sa, caci daca e vorba, nu bogatia, ci linistea colibei tale te face fericit."

duminică, 17 august 2014

George Calinescu - Enigma Otiliei

         Romanul balzacian si social obiectiv.
   Romanul balzacian este in esenta un roman doric care releva un anume tip de valorificare a formulei realiste.
    George Calinescu este o personalitate complexa a literaturii romane, este adeptul romanului realist si ganditorul deplin al spiritualitatii romanesti.
    Enigma Otiliei este un roman realist, obiectiv de factura clasic-balzaciana. Evenimentele sunt relatate din perspectiva unui narator omniscient; naratiunea este la persoana a III-a; actiunea are loc in Bucuresti, in casa lui Costache Giurgiuveanu de pe strada Antim.
   Tema romanului o reprezinta viata burgheziei bucurestene de la inceputul secolului XX, societate aflata sub puterea distrugatoare a banului. Intreaga actiune este concentrata in jurul averii lui Costache Giurgiuveanu, un batran avar, si sunt implicate mai multe personaje interesate mai mult sau mai putin de mostenirea acestei averi.
   Titlul romanului s-a numit initial "Parintii Otiliei" reflectand ideea balzaciana a paternitatii, scriitorul urmarind in roman degradarea relatiilor din interiorul familiei care duce implicit la degradarea intregii societati.
    Actiunea romanului nu se desfasoara pe un singur fir epic, ci se structureaza pe doua planuri:
1. Primul plan ilustreaza istoria mostenirii, care dezvolta conflicte intre cele doua familii implicate: Costache Giurgiuveanu - Otilia si clanul Tulea. Eforturile acestora sunt canalizate statornic spre inlaturarea Otiliei de la mostenire.
2.  Al doilea plan al romanului prezinta destinul tanarului Felix Sima. Pe celalalt plan, al luptei pentru mostenire, clanul Tulea cunoaste declinul familial.
   Tipologia personajelor este de esenta clasica. Fiecare personaj este caracterizat prin mai multe mijloace si releva un portret in miscare aflat sub tirania timpului.
   Felix Sima este tipul intelectualului in formare si personajul martor. Ramas orfan, vine in Bucuresti pentru a studia medicina si pentru a se dedica profesiei alese. Locuind in casa unchiului sau, Costache Giurgiuveanu, Felix se indragosteste de Otilia. Vizitele lui Pascalopol si generozitatea  fata de capriciile Otiliei ii starnesc invidia si gelozia, vazand in Pascalopol un rival.
   Otilia reprezinta eternul enigmatic feminin. Este fata adoptiva a lui Costache, numele ei de familie fiind Marculescu. Este iubita de tatal sau adoptiv, de Felix si de Pascalopol. Clanul Tulea doreste sa o alunge pentru a pune mana mai usor pe averea lui Mos Costache.
   Costache Giurgiuveanu este tipul avarului. El incearca o gama variata de sentimente: iubire fata de Otilia, simpatie fata de Felix, prietenie fata de Pascalopol si toleranta fata de clanul Tulea. Desi este inconjurat mereu de membrii acestui clan, singurii care tin cu adevaratla batran sunt cei doi orfani, Felix si Otilia, precum si vechiul sau prieten, Pascalopol. Cele mai incordate relatii le are cu Stanica Ratiu, pe care-l numeste pungas si pe care-l suspecteaza ca vrea sa-i fure banii. Tocmai de aceea el incearca mereu sa-l goneasca pe Stanica din casa sa.
   Pascalopol se incadreaza in tipologia burghezului rafinat. Este privit de celelalte personaje ca fiind un domn de o noblete desavarsita, echilibrat si rabdator, plin de tact fata de toti, desi observa rautatea Aglaei, avaritia lui Costache sau ipocrizia lui Stanica. O iubeste pe Otilia si ii implineste toate poftele. Se casatoreste cu ea, dandu-i mai tarziu libertatea de a se casatori cu un conte din Spania.
  Clanul Tulea este compus din Aglae, Simion, Aurica, Olimpia, Stanica Ratiu si Titi. Aglae este capetenia clanului, este baba absoluta fara cusur in rau; pe Otilia o vede ca o piedica in luarea averii lui Mos Costache. Simion este tipul senilului; Titi este tipul retardului; Aurica este fata batrana, invidioasa pe Otilia si ar vrea, la fel ca Aglae, sa o alunge. Stanica Ratiu este tipul parvenitului, a arivistului fara scrupulemorale si al demagogului; acesta provoaca moartea lui Costache, furandu-i banii de sub saltea.
     Calinescu scrie un roman realist,obiectiv in care exista contact cu viata si in care se impletesc diferite elemente, cum ar fi cele clasic-balzaciene, cele romantice si cele moderne, care fac din Enigma Otiliei un roman de referinta din literatura romana.

Cecelia Ahern biography and literary work

Cecelia Ahern was born on 30 September 1981, at Dublin, Ireland. Being a new young writer we don’t know too much about her. She is a writer, a producer and the daughter of the ex Irish Prime Minister, Bertie Ahern. She studied at Griffith College in Dublin and obtained a diploma in journalism and media communication. Is the sister-in-low of the famous Irish singer and song writer, Nicky Byrne, who married with her older sister, Georgina Ahern. Cecelia Ahern married on 11 June, 2010 with David Keoghan and they have two children, a girl named Robin and a boy named Sonny. [1]
She began her literary career in 2004 and published several novels and even short stories. Ahern became famous with her first novel entitled P.S I Love you which quickly became her bestseller in Ireland but also in the rest of the world.  Being also a producer, she created and produced series of the American television comedy Samantha Who?. She is one of the most successful writers of the world. Her novels were published in 46 countries and were sold more than 13 million copies. Cecelia spend most part of her time writing and she periodically donates in charitable aims sums that she gained from the author’s rights.[2]
The Irish author wrote her first novel when she was 21 and she got her inspiration while she was searching for a job after finishing the College and when she had to finish the final paper. She came up the idea for the novel P.S I Love You. Cecelia was encouraged by her mother and she declared that the writing became part from her life, she felt comfortable writing and she wrote night and day.  As she began writing she couldn’t stop and she sent some chapters to an editor agent. Before she began to write Cecelia Ahern was member of a band and participated at Eurovision; she loved to dance and sing. She has always new ideas and she also writes short prose and creates TV shows. There are many people that have always something to object, but Ahern said that for her is more important the joy that she feels while writing and creating.[3] Though being part from television industry, the author declared that she didn’t participate to the movie production of her first novel P.S I Love You. Due to this movie she started the affinity with the division of comedy creation of the ABC net and Ahern created a show for them. Cecelia Ahern admitted that it was very pleasant for her to work in television due to the public eye contact and she tried to be creative giving them ideas for 100 episodes. [4]
In her writings, Ahern is inspired from her personal life. After she gave birth to her children she wrote a book in which the character had a very disordered life and tries to find herself. Ahern’s children inspired her, before having them Cecelia also had a disordered life and she didn’t know what she wanted. She also declared that she likes to write her novels with the pen and then she rewrites the novel on the computer; she considers it like a process of editing before showing it to other persons. Some critics consider that romantic literature is a sort of second division, but in Cecelia Ahern’s opinion every kind of literature represents a manner of telling a story. Cecelia Ahern’s heroines are not helpless women that need to be saved by a man. Her characters try to find themselves and thus, her books answer to questions such as ‘Who are you?’ and ‘What do you want?’ Because things are complex, complicated and not pink, her characters reckon with difficulties that make them stronger.
Ahern writes one book per year and she said that when she loses her passion for writing she will stop, she will not write anymore. Her works are less in quantity, but they are high in quality as she became very popular especially among young generation. She deals in her novels with nowadays problems such as misunderstanding and difficulties in family, gap between generations - problems between parents and their children, boys and girls, women and men. Cecelia’s style of writing is simple and easy to read such as you can read pages from the first time. Her writing style doesn’t make part from any genre, the author herself said that because of the way in which she writes, she would never say that she writes in a particular genre because she didn’t try to fit into any genre. The Irish author also has as aim to motivate young people to read, as in this century they are far from reading, and to think while reading.[5]         
List of Works:
-‘P.S I Love You’ (2002)
                          -‘Where Rainbows End’ (2004)
                         -‘If You Could See Me Now’ (2005)
                         -‘A Place Called Here’ (2006)
                         -‘Thanks For The Memories’ (2008)
                         -‘The Gift’ (2008)
                         -‘The Book Of Tomorrow’ (2009)
                         -‘The Time of my Life (2011)
                         -‘One Hundred Names’ (2012)
                         -‘How To Fall in Love (2013)
                         -‘There’s No Place Like Here’
                         -‘Rosie Dunne’
 -‘Girl in the Mirror / The Memory Maker (2010)
            -‘Every Year’
-‘Mr. Whippy’
·         Television work: -‘Samantha Who?
·         Film adaptations: -‘P.S I Love You (2007)
                                         -‘Where Rainbows End’ (2014)[6]

[1] Cecelia Ahern, The Time of my life, HarperCollins, 2013 (cover)

About Cecelia Ahern, http://www.jacketflap.com/cecelia-ahern/167194, 20.03.2014

[2] About Cecelia Ahern, http://www.jacketflap.com/cecelia-ahern/167194, 20.03.2014

[3] Interviu Cecelia Ahern: Atunci când îmi voi pierde dragostea pentru scris mă voi opri,  http://www.agerpres.ro/cultura/2013/10/04/interviu-cecelia-ahern-atunci-cand-imi-voi-pierde-dragostea-pentru-scris-ma-voi-opri-14-14-19, 20.03.2014

[4] Q & A with author Cecelia Ahern, http://www.mumsnet.com/qanda/cecelia-ahern, 20.03.2014
[5] Interviu Cecelia Ahern: Atunci când îmi voi pierde dragostea pentru scris mă voi opri,  http://www.agerpres.ro/cultura/2013/10/04/interviu-cecelia-ahern-atunci-cand-imi-voi-pierde-dragostea-pentru-scris-ma-voi-opri-14-14-19, 20.03.2014
The creativity of Cecelia Ahern in the world literature, http://www.group-global.org/en/publication/view/7342, 20.03.2014

The Time of my Life - the book

The time of my life

The time of my life is the eight novel of the Irish author Cecelia Ahern and it was published on 13th October, 2011.

“Each page and part of book is full of deep sense and sophisticated mind, it carries away in the story. Not everyone who holds a pen is a writer, only who can open the vital reality to world literature can be real writer.”[1]

It is not easy to write someone’s life, to feel it; it is difficult to describe and to make readers feel it, but Ahern succeeded.
In this novel, Ahern is proposing us an interesting game of imagination: how it would be if in difficult moments of our lives we could state a meeting with our personal life as if we make any other appointment with a friend or a doctor. Lucy Silchester has this chance but she doesn’t like at all. She presents Lucy’s problem that is also the problem that nowadays many people are confronting with. It happens that even a little lie can make a mess of our lives, a little and ‘inoffensive’ lie that brings many other lies and numerous unexpected events. Through the character of Lucy S, Ahern draws readers’ attention regarding the habit of lying that could bring almost a disaster in our lives. This is the didactic message that the author tries to make it clear and through which she gives an indirect advice as the salvation of this problem. “She is a master of description and reasoning of young couples’, teenagers and young people’s problems of the last century.[2] Cecelia Ahern easily describes situations in which readers find themselves, shows the world from another perspective and shows us how we can deal with different situations. Somehow, she tries to solve problems of the young generation in a modern manner using an easy language and a sophisticated mind. Her novels are a new vision and understanding of everything that encounter us.
Having a special, different style of writing, Ahern’s readers could get bored at the beginning of the book, but she has some keys that she uses in all her novels to capture readers’ attention after few pages and they amalgamate and identify with the character who brings us anywhere with her. The author declared herself: “I choose to begin my novels with very vulnerable characters so that they will search within themselves for more answers.” Her motivation are the characters, she falls in love with them and can’t take them out of her mind until their story is not told. Despite the similar formula each of her works presents a different story, a special and different one. [3]
Cecelia Ahern came up with the idea of the character of Life as she thought that life could be a person. She turned the life in a person and decided to explore the relationship between a person and his own life as we often don’t spend time on ourselves. She chose the character of Lucy because it was important to be an everyday character as the readers could easily identify with it. Readers can easily identify with Lucy as she is an ordinary character which has a couple of problems and like everyone else, she lies.[4]

[1]The creativity of Cecelia Ahern in the world literature, http://www.group-global.org/en/publication/view/7342, 23.03.2014

[2] The creativity of Cecelia Ahern in the world literature, http://www.group-global.org/en/publication/view/7342, 23.03.2014

[3] Q & A with author Cecelia Ahern, http://www.mumsnet.com/qanda/cecelia-ahern, 23.03.2014
[4] Interviu Cecelia Ahern: Atunci când îmi voi pierde dragostea pentru scris mă voi opri,  http://www.agerpres.ro/cultura/2013/10/04/interviu-cecelia-ahern-atunci-cand-imi-voi-pierde-dragostea-pentru-scris-ma-voi-opri-14-14-19, 23.03.2014

Themes in Cecelia Ahern's novel The Time of my Life


We can say that Cecelia Ahern is ‘painting’ the world of today in a realistic manner showing how society is nowadays and what is important in today society.
The theme of marriage takes another aspect. It is not necessary to marry at a certain age and it is allowed to live together with the person you love without getting married. Lucy has almost 30 years, but she is not married and when she had a relationship with Blake, they lived together many years. There is also presented the concept that a woman, nowadays, has to have a career before getting married and having children: “- They have careers now, you see…” [1] Lucy’s parents decide to renew the wedding vows. It is a ceremony that is the old Celtic tradition that binds two people together, it is like the matrimony. People usually decide to renew their wedding vows if there was a period in which they were separated for a while or they had some misunderstandings and they desire to reconcile through renewing the wedding vows. As the case of Lucy’s parents who seems to have some problems and misunderstanding. At a certain moment, Lucy’s mother, Sheila, came to her crying and saying that she can’t stand her husband anymore and that the renewing wedding vows were canceled and Sheila said that she married once, but she can’t do it again, for the second time. In the end the renewing wedding vows takes place and everyone is pleased and happy.
Love also takes a different aspect. It is not necessary to be in love with someone in order to spend a night together. Lucy met a guy, Alex Buckley, in a pub. She liked his necklace and he told her that he thinks he has a problem with her eyes because he can’t stop watching at them. Alex offered her many drinks and then she went to his home and spent the night together. Lucy also spent a night together with Melanie’s cousin, Bobby, when it was the 21st birthday party and Lucy slept there over night; and with Don when she actually saw him for the first time. We also have a love story between two lesbians. Lucy’s friend, Melanie, had a relationship with Mariza, a Spanish girl, who made Melanie suffer a lot.
The most important aspect of the novel is the truth. We can say that it is also an educative novel heaving a very important moral. Nowadays sincerely people are almost gone, everyone lie everyone. Cecelia Ahern shows us that a little lie brings after her other lies making us to live in ‘a sea of lies’ which we can’t escape and its solution is telling the truth. We can say that the moral can be ‘telling the truth is better than lying.’
Ahern also presents the gap between generations which is a very ordinary thing nowadays. The relationship between Lucy and her parents is not a good one, especially with her father: “in truth, he can barely stand me nor I him. But we do stand each other, just about enough, somewhere on the cusp of standing each other for the sake of world peace.”[2] Lucy’s father is very disappointed because she told him that she leaved office. He said about her that she is never happy to work, she is lazy and she is a disappointment and an abashment for her family. As many parents, Lucy’s father wants what is better for her daughter and for him is more important what he wants to be her daughter than what she desires. Though Lucy didn’t agree at the beginning and got upset when she found out, her mother signed the papers for Life because she wanted what is best for her daughter and she thought that he would help her and so it was.
Cecelia Ahern uses the symbol of The Triple Spiral, also called The Triple Spiral of Life which is an ancient Celtic symbol. It is drawn on a single line that has no beginning and no ending which represent the movement of life. The Celts believed that there are three phases such as birth, death and rebirth in which take place all important thinks. It may also refer to mind, body, and spirit. “In this world, we are all connected, interact and inter-depend on each other; no phenomenon can exist by itself. Our life exists within the cycle of cause and effect.”[3] The theme of social class relates the fact that, nowadays, it is still important to have a name:

“My family belonged to a very serious religion called the Church of Social Etiquette. The heads of their church were People. As in, every action acted and word spoken was done on the basis of what would ‘People’ think?”[4]

Being an important and well known high court judge, for her father was important the name of the family and it was also important that his children to become important persons in life. He taught them and Sheila some ‘rules’, that are very important for a Silchester, such as even if the person who visits Silchester family (though it was a member of the family) must bring a present; a Silchester doesn’t refuses invitations because it was considered a rude gesture; in Silchester family the tone of the voice is never raised; a Silchester doesn’t cry (this ‘rule’ told Lucy’s father to her when she was five and she fell down from her bicycle), doesn’t speak with mouth full of food; Silchester family doesn’t ignore people, doesn’t make tragedies from anything and doesn’t provoke any ado and many other such rules.    

[1] Cecelia Ahern, The Time of my Life, HarperCollins, 2013 ( chapter 4, page 16)
[2] Cecelia Ahern, The Time of my Life, HarperCollins, 2013  ( chapter 4, page 13 )
[3] Spiral of Life, Philisophy, http://www.spiraloflife.info/philosophy.html, 25.03.2014
[4] Cecelia Ahern, The Time of my Life, HarperCollins, 2013  ( chapter 4, page 10)

The character of Lucy Silchester in Cecelia Ahern's novel The Time of my Life

          The character of Lucy

Lucy Silchester is the main character of the novel. When she has to go to meet her Life, she thinks to describe herself as being an intelligent, spiritual, wonderful, elegant, charming and desirable woman: “I wanted my life to know that I had it all together, that everything was under control.”[1] But, Lucy is not as she describes herself. She is better described by her Life and her father. Actually, she is a person whose commitment is missing; is ineffective; she wastes her time; she never finishes anything except a bottle of wine or a chocolate bar; she often changes her mind; she doesn’t take in hand; she leaves every time before a meeting, dinner or birthday party was over. And she doesn’t know what she wants in life, she has no dreams; when Life asked what she desires, she told him that she doesn’t know. Lucy is also a lazy person as she didn’t cleaned her boots which were covered of mud since three years.
Lucy is a liar. Lucy doesn’t lie only her family and her friends but also herself. She created a world for herself, a world full of lies and though she knows that she lives in an imaginary world and that is not true what she is saying; she doesn’t stop, she continues lying even herself and seems to prefer this fact because everything is how she wants to be; she can be whoever she wants by lying. It is easier to live in many lies than to dare the truth. She refuses to see the reality and maybe she is afraid to dare it. Lucy finds herself in that moment in which she needs help, she needs to be ‘saved’. The lie is almost as a drogue; it is enough to lie just once in order to become dependent. As Life told Lucy, the problem is that her lies are built up oven other lies. If you say a lie, you have to say also the second one because if you reveal just a little truth everything breakdown. After such many lies, Lucy’s solution to take the right way is Life who starts sending her letters that Lucy ignored:

“I’d ignored it…But I hadn’t really forgotten about it. You never forget about things you’ve done that you know you shouldn’t have doneThe bad thing that you did, always there to let you know.[2]

Lucy ignored her Life; she thought that she has no problem and didn’t understand why her Life insists, so she decides to set an appointment because she realizes that she neglected her Life and it, now, it needs her; she was busy with other things such as her friends’ lives, her job, her car: “It was going through a tough time and I hadn’t been paying enough attention to it…I’d completely and utterly ignored my life. I had to go and meet with it face-to-face.”[3] She realizes that this situation will ask her a special attention.
Lucy started to lie when she was left by her boyfriend, Blake. They lived together a few years until Blake left her and she was bound to move alone in a small apartment. Blake came with the idea that they should tell to everyone that Lucy was the one who left him. As we can see, Lucy was fooled by him and she was seen as being the bad one and their friends didn’t understand why she left him and they think that she was juggling him. It was enough a little lie that Lucy’s life be balls up. She lied her parents about the other job that she had telling them that she leaved the office when actually she was deprived because she was drunk and had to take a client from the airport. Lucy got lost and she brought the client to another hotel than to the one which had to. Thus, she was deprived and her driver license was frozen for one year. Another lie that Lucy tells is that she knows Spanish. That was the requirement (to know Spanish) in order to get the job, so Lucy lies in her CV that she knows Spanish. She had to translate the manuals for different appliances. Lucy lies to Don about her name telling him that her name is Gertrude, but she cannot lie him about the other things; and she doesn’t recognize that she has a cat. It was not allowed to have animals in the building where she lived and she lies the landlord that she doesn’t have any animal.
At the beginning, Lucy also lies to Life. He asked her if she ever was to a psychotheraphy meeting. First, she said that she wasn’t and Life looked at her in an aquiline manner and she had to recognize, but also by adding another lie: “- Yes. Once. When I quite my job. It was around the time I dumped my boyfriend and bought a new apartment.”[4] Whatever she says, she cannot lie to Life because he knows everything about her and what she did and was doing: “- You were fired. Your boyfriend left you and you’re renting a studio.”[5] Life told her to speak about her job and she keeps lying. Lucy tells him that she loves her job, she likes to work with people and to commune with the public and she works with people that inspire her not only in job but also in life. Every time Lucy lies to him, Life tells her which is the truth.
In order to ‘save’ Lucy, make her stop lying; Life decides to move with Lucy and to go with her wherever she goes. She must be very carefully what she is saying because every time she says a lie, her Life will tell the truth. If Lucy tries to change herself and to collaborate everything will be easier: “-It would help the whole process if you didn’t lie to me.”[6] Lucy finally accept and she even gets accustomed with Life being sad at the end of the novel when he leaves because he finished his ‘mission’. Life was, indeed, the solution for Lucy’s problem as he succeeded in changing her. If Blake was the ‘negative’ character who balls up Lucy’s life, Life is the one who brought Lucy on the right way. Lucy stops lying and the day in which she got 30 years brought with it a new Lucy: she started cooking again as in those times in which she lived with Blake; cleaned her boots and was determined to speak with her friends and tell them everything, to find a new job that she would like and she realized that she needs Don. Lucy is, now, ready to make the necessary changes in her life.
Lucy’s evolution is seen through the character of Life who at the beginning is described by Lucy as being a disheveled person:

“He wore a wrinkled gray suit, a gray shirt and a gray tie with the triple spirals of life embossed on it. His hair was black and peppered with a little gray and was disheveled; his face had a few days of stubble…He had black rings around his eyes, his eyes were bloodshot, he sniffled and he looked like he hadn’t slept for years,”[7]

and he had a bad breath. He is disheveled as Lucy’s life is and along the novel as Lucy progresses in changing herself; Life also changes, his bad breath disappears and he starts to be neat. This fact illustrates that Lucy is on the right way and she doesn’t lie anymore.

[1] Cecelia Ahern, The Time of my Life, HarperCollins, 2013 (chapter 5, page 19)
[2] Cecelia Ahern, The Time of my Life, HarperCollins, 2013 ( chapter 1, page 1-12)
[3] Cecelia Ahern, The Time of my Life, HarperCollins, 2013  (chapter 1, page 14)
[4] Cecelia Ahern, The Time of my Life, HarperCollins, 2013  (chapter 5, page 51)
[5] Cecelia Ahern, The Time of my Life, HarperCollins, 2013 (chapter 5, page 51)
[6] Cecelia Ahern, The Time of my Life, HarperCollins, 2013 (chapter 5, page 51)
[7] Cecelia Ahern, The Time of my Life, HarperCollins, 2013 (chapter 5, page 48)